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Publisher of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee

The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit and the Word

The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit and the Word
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The fifteen free eBooklets in this set, “The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit and the Word,” are centered on the revelation in Philippians 1:19 and chapter 2. These eBooklets present not only who the Spirit is and give much practical help concerning His bountiful supply, but they also reveal that the way to enjoy this Spirit and His bountiful supply is through the Word of God.

“We have pointed out that the bountiful supply of the Spirit is equal to the riches of Christ and that the riches of Christ are embodied in the Word. Therefore, to enjoy the riches we must pray-read the Word.” Witness Lee, Life-study of Philippians, p. 318

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In This Set

Individual eBooklets are available on Apple Books, on Google Play, as a PDF, as an EPUB, and as an audiobook. Free to download and share. Expand the titles below for links.

  • 1. The Spirit of Jesus Christ
    The Spirit of Jesus Christ
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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee offers an overview of many of the titles of the Spirit—including the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jehovah, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Christ, and the seven Spirits of God—and the revelation of the Spirit that we gain from understanding each title.

  • 2. The Best Choice of Paul
    The Best Choice of Paul
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    Audiobook Coming Soon!

    About This eBooklet

    Philippians 1 reveals that there is a vast difference between enjoying the presence of Christ and living Christ. Here, the apostle Paul considers these two ways of experiencing Christ, and he ponders a choice that is before him: to die and enjoy the presence of Christ in a fuller way, or to remain and have further opportunities to live Christ. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee presents Paul’s choice and fellowships concerning how it relates to us in our Christian life.

  • 3. Taking Christ as Our Pattern
    Taking Christ as Our Pattern
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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee presents Christ as our pattern as revealed in Philippians 2. In these verses we see that Christ our pattern is not only objective and in the heavens but also subjective and within us. Taking Christ as our pattern is a matter of cooperation, not imitation; and through our cooperation, this pattern becomes our salvation.

  • 4. The Exaltation of Christ
    The Exaltation of Christ
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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee fellowships concerning the exaltation of Christ as revealed in Philippians 2:9-12: “My burden in this booklet is to relate the exaltation of Christ to our spiritual experience. God has already exalted Christ, but have you exalted Him? Christ has been exalted in the universe, but has He been exalted in you?...I do not care to talk about the exaltation of Christ in an objective way, but to apply this to our subjective experience.”

  • 5. Working Out Our Salvation
    Working Out Our Salvation
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    About This eBooklet

    In Philippians 2:12 Paul says, “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” What does this mean? We have been truly born of God; we have received salvation. What, then, does it mean to work out our salvation, and how can we do such a thing? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee presents the answers to these questions and offers a deeper view of Paul’s word to the Philippian believers.

  • 6. Grace, Salvation, the Spirit, and Christ
    Grace, Salvation, the Spirit, and Christ
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    Also available at Amazon for $0.99.

    Audiobook Coming Soon!

    About This eBooklet

    The apostle Paul used four very important terms in his Epistle to the Philippians: grace, salvation, the Spirit, and Christ. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee considers the apostle’s use of these terms particularly in Philippians 1:7, 19, 20, 21: “In these verses grace, salvation, the Spirit, and Christ are not defined in a doctrinal way. Rather, they are related to experience.”

  • 7. The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ
    The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ
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    About This eBooklet

    In Philippians 1:19-20 the apostle Paul speaks of the supply of the Spirit. This supply may seem abstract and mysterious, but there is a picture in Exodus to help us. In Exodus 30:23-30 we find the compound ointment—a wonderful picture of the supply of the Spirit. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee considers the apostle’s words in Philippians and examines the picture in Exodus in detail, unveiling the spiritual significance of the elements in the compound ointment and their connection to the Spirit today.

  • 8. Receiving the Word through the Spirit
    Receiving the Word through the Spirit
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    Also available at Amazon for $0.99.

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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee fellowships concerning the relationship between the Word of God and the Spirit, not only as a fact but also in our daily Christian experience, with a particular focus on our receiving the Word by means of prayer.

  • 9. The Supply of the Spirit in the Word
    The Supply of the Spirit in the Word
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    Also available at Amazon for $0.99.

    Audiobook Coming Soon!

    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee opens up the matter of the Word of God as a source of supply to us, enabling us to live and magnify Christ. “We have pointed out that the supply of the Spirit is equal to the riches of Christ and that the riches of Christ are embodied in the Word.” To enjoy these riches, we must come to the Word, mingling our reading with prayer. Then we will receive the supply in the Spirit and live a life full of the basic elements of Christ’s riches.

  • 10. The Riches, the Supply, and the Word
    The Riches, the Supply, and the Word
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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee offers a picture of who our marvelous Christ is, how the Triune God came to reach us, how Christ is not only our Redeemer but also our life supply, and how we can receive this life supply today. “Living Christ has much to do with the riches of Christ realized in the bountiful supply of the Spirit and the bountiful supply of the Spirit embodied in the rich Word of God.”

  • 11. Christ, Salvation, God, and the Word of Life
    Christ, Salvation, God, and the Word of Life
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    About This eBooklet

    Philippians 2:5-16 speaks of Christ, salvation, God, and the word of life. These are the four basic elements of the structure of these verses. In this booklet taken from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee fellowships concerning how these four elements are related to one another.

  • 12. The Spirit and the Word
    The Spirit and the Word
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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee presents the importance of seeing the relationship between the Spirit and the Word of God, the word of life. “The Christian life is intimately related to the life-giving Spirit and the word of life. As the consummation of His process, God is now the life-giving Spirit. Furthermore, in His speaking He is the Word. He has given us the Spirit and the Word as two wonderful gifts.”

  • 13. Constant Salvation in Our Practical Life
    Constant Salvation in Our Practical Life
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    About This eBooklet

    “According to the book of Philippians, there is a salvation which is constant in our practical life. To say that this salvation is constant means that it is a salvation we may experience every day, every hour, and every moment.” In this booklet taken from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee presents this salvation—not our eternal salvation from hell, which is objective, but a very subjective and experiential salvation that we can enjoy moment by moment.

  • 14. The Supply of the Spirit and the Operation of God
    The Supply of the Spirit and the Operation of God
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    Also available at Amazon for $0.99.

    Audiobook Coming Soon!

    About This eBooklet

    In the book of Philippians, we see that we have a constant, daily salvation. However, a certain power is necessary to afford us this kind of salvation. In this booklet taken from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee considers the two means for the accomplishment of this salvation that are presented in Philippians: the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the inward operation of the indwelling God.

  • 15. The Divine and Rich Provision for Our Constant Salvation
    The Divine and Rich Provision for Our Constant Salvation
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    Also available at Amazon for $0.99.

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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of Philippians, Witness Lee presents five aspects of the divine and rich provision for our constant salvation: the pattern with its standard, the inward operation of God, the children of God, shining as luminaries, and the word of life (Phil. 2:5-16). If we enjoy all these aspects, we shall experience constant salvation.

Life-study of Philippians
by Witness Lee

The eBooklets in this set are taken from Life-study of Philippians by Witness Lee.

Life-study of Philippians by Witness Lee

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