2018 Conferences & Trainings
2018 Full-time Trainings
- Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ
Spring Term
Spring Term
- God's Eternal Purpose to Produce the Church
- Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ in the Kingdom of the Son of God's Love for the Growth of the Body and the Constitution of the New Man
- The Lord's Desire for Us to Enjoy Him for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ
- Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as the Reality of All Positive Things
- Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ for the Church as Revealed in the Gospel of John (1)—Enjoying the Riches of Christ by Abiding in the True Vine
- Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ for the Church as Revealed in the Gospel of John (2)—The Bride, the Flock, the Many Grains, and the Father's House
- Enjoying Christ as the Allotted Portion of the Saints for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ
- Enjoying the Riches of Christ Revealed in Matthew 9
- The Heart, the Will of the Father, the All-inclusive Christ, and the Building Up of the Church to Bring In the Kingdom of God
- Enjoying Christ as the Spirit Speaking to the Churches, as the One Who Has the Key of David, and as the One Who Will Dine with the Overcomers
- Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, All-inclusive Christ to Produce the Churches—the Kingdom of God
- Enjoying the Riches of Christ as the Grace of God and as the All-inclusive Spirit
- Experiencing, Enjoying, Proclaiming, and Ministering the Riches of Christ for the Corporate Christ
- Enjoying Christ as the One Who Has Given Himself Up for Us and Who Lives in Us and as the Aggregate of the All-embracing Blessing of the Full Gospel of God
- Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as the All-inclusive Life-giving Spirit for the Church as the Israel of God
- Enjoying Christ as Our Virtues, the Peace of God, Our Secret, and the One Who Empowers Us
- Offering Up a Sacrifice of Praise Continually to God through the All-inclusive, Heavenly Christ within the Veil and in the Genuine Church Life outside the Camp
- The Central Vision
Fall Term