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Publisher of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee

About Life-study of the Bible

The purpose of the Life-study of the Bible, as expressed by Witness Lee, is to present the truths contained in the New Testament, to minister the life supply, to solve the common and hard problems found in the New Testament, and to open up every book of the New Testament by giving a thorough interpretation of it. We believe that these volumes, containing the very essence of the New Testament ministry which is for the carrying out of God’s divine economy, will serve as an entrance into a deeper and extensive understanding of the divine truths and will also render much life supply and nourishment to the church of God today and in the coming generations. May the Lord use the ministry of His word in these volumes to sanctify the church until she is fully prepared to be His bride, His counterpart, for His satisfaction (Eph. 5:26-27).

The church’s knowledge of the Lord and His truth has been continually progressing. The Life-study of the Bible, a monumental and classic work by Witness Lee, builds upon and is a further development of all that the Lord has revealed to His church in the past centuries. It is filled with the revelation concerning the processed Triune God, the living Christ, the life-giving Spirit, the experience of life, and the definition and practice of the church.

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Free eBooklets from Life-study of John

These titles are listed in order of their corresponding message in the Life-study.

  • A Revelation of Life and Building
    A Revelation of Life and Building
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    About This eBooklet

    According to the Bible, Christ is life itself, and the church is God’s spiritual building. In this eBooklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee shows that the entire Bible is a book of life and building. He examines crucial verses in Genesis, the Gospel of John, and Revelation to demonstrate how the theme of life and building introduced in Genesis and consummated in Revelation is bridged by the record in John’s Gospel.

  • Christ as the Word Bringing Forth Children of God
    Christ as the Word Bringing Forth Children of God
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    About This eBooklet

    Although the language of John 1:1 and 1:4 is simple and brief, these verses are deep and profound. “In the beginning was the Word.” But what is the beginning? And what is the Word? What does “in Him was life” mean? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee answers these questions and shows how these matters relate to our Christian life and God’s ultimate intention and purpose.

  • The Word Incarnated for Our Enjoyment
    The Word Incarnated for Our Enjoyment
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    About This eBooklet

    John 1:14-18 indicate that all the children of God need the enjoyment of Christ. But how can we enjoy Christ? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee breaks down these verses to show that we can enjoy Christ because He was incarnated—becoming flesh and tabernacling among us, full of grace and reality.

  • The Lamb, the Dove, and the House of God
    The Lamb, the Dove, and the House of God
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    About This eBooklet

    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the main subject of John 1:19-51 with its five main points: the Lamb of God, the dove, the stones, the building of God’s house, and the Son of Man. “The Lamb is for redemption; the dove is for life-imparting, transforming, and building; the stone is for material; the house is the building; and the very substance of God’s building is man” (p. 1).

  • Eternity Past, Eternity Future, and the Bridge of Time
    Eternity Past, Eternity Future, and the Bridge of Time
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    About This eBooklet

    John chapter 1 reveals the two sections of eternity: eternity in the past and eternity in the future. In eternity past God planned and purposed, and in eternity future everything will have been accomplished. When does God accomplish His work, then? Between the two sections of eternity is the bridge of time, and it is here that God accomplishes all that He wants to accomplish. There are five particular things that God accomplishes on this bridge of time, and in this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers each of them in turn.

  • Life’s Principle—to Change Death into Life
    Life’s Principle—to Change Death into Life
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    The principle of all the Lord’s miraculous works is found in His first miracle, the turning of water into wine. The turning of water into wine signifies the turning of death into life. The human life with its natural enjoyment runs out and fails in death, but the Lord changes death into life by regenerating the believers with the eternal, divine life of God Himself and ushering them into the full enjoyment of this life in this age and in the ages to come.

  • Life’s Purpose—to Build the House of God
    Life’s Purpose—to Build the House of God
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    About This eBooklet

    Many believers understand that we received the divine life when we believed in the Lord Jesus. However, few may realize what the goal of the life that we have received is. In this booklet compiled from the Life-study of John, Witness Lee shows that the cases recorded in John 2 concerning the changing of water into wine and the cleansing of the temple reveal that the divine life is for the building of God’s house, which is just the believers as the enlargement of the Body of Christ in resurrection.

  • Life’s Regenerating—the Need of the Moral
    Life’s Regenerating—the Need of the Moral
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John presents nine cases that represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from the Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the first of these nine cases, which illustrates that even the moral have a need—life’s regenerating.

  • Born of the Spirit in Our Spirit
    Born of the Spirit in Our Spirit
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    In John chapter 3 the Lord Jesus spoke to Nicodemus concerning being born again. Nicodemus was confused as to how such a thing could happen, but the Lord revealed that it is not a physical matter. To be born again is to be born of the Spirit in our spirit, and this new birth is our entry into the kingdom of God. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee opens up this passage in John, giving us the meaning of regeneration and the definition and significance of the kingdom of God.

  • The Son of Man Lifted Up
    The Son of Man Lifted Up
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    About This eBooklet

    In John chapter 3, the Lord Jesus told Nicodemus: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up” (v. 14). In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee shows how the Lord used the Old Testament type of the bronze serpent to reveal our real condition and our need of redemption.

  • The Increase of Christ
    The Increase of Christ
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    About This eBooklet

    In John 3:30, John the Baptizer spoke concerning the Lord Jesus: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” What do these words mean? Do they apply to us today? In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the answer to these questions, revealing not only what it means for us to decrease but also how we can become the increase of Christ.

  • The Immeasurable Christ
    The Immeasurable Christ
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    About This eBooklet

    John 3:31-36 is a passage that bothers many translators of the Bible, but in this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee opens these verses in a clear and marvelous way. Although the Lord Jesus was born in a manger and raised in the house of a poor carpenter, these verses reveal an unlimited, all-inclusive, and immeasurable Christ. “He is higher than the heavens and broader than the universe. He is everything, and everything is for Him” (p. 2).

  • Life’s Satisfying—the Need of the Immoral
    Life’s Satisfying—the Need of the Immoral
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John presents nine cases that represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the second of these nine cases, the case of the Samaritan woman in John 4. The case of the Samaritan woman illustrates the second need of all mankind—the need for satisfaction. At some point, regardless of our success or attainments, we all have had the feeling of being empty, and this emptiness, this sense of dissatisfaction, corresponds to the Samaritan woman’s situation. However, just as Christ as life was able to meet the need of Nicodemus in John 3, so also is it able to meet the need presented in John 4. Thus, to the Samaritan woman, the Lord Jesus unveiled life’s satisfying.

  • A Thirsty Savior and a Thirsty Sinner
    A Thirsty Savior and a Thirsty Sinner
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    In John 3 the Lord Jesus encountered a woman at a well. All the earthly, physical, and even religious things had left this woman dissatisfied. She had a deep thirst within her, and thus, the Lord offered her the living water. You may know this story, but have you ever considered that the Lord was thirsty, too? He asked the woman for a drink of water. “However, it is very strange to note that neither of them ate or drank, yet both of them were satisfied” (p. 20). How could this be? What happened to meet not only the need of the woman but also the need of the Lord Jesus Himself? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers these verses and answers these questions.

  • Life’s Healing—the Need of the Dying
    Life’s Healing—the Need of the Dying
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the third of these nine cases, that of the son of a royal official. The official’s son was dying, and through his situation, the Lord showed the third need of mankind—the need of life’s healing. The older we get, the more we are impressed with the shortness of life. Apparently we are living, but actually we all are in the process of dying. We are weak and fragile and in need of healing. But just as the official’s son received the healing in John 4, so also can we receive life’s healing today.

  • Life’s Enlivening—the Need of the Impotent
    Life’s Enlivening—the Need of the Impotent
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the fourth of these nine cases, which exposes the vanity of religion and reveals that it is Christ as life who enlivens us. In this case we see a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years, who knew how he could be healed but could not get up and do what was required. He was impotent, unable to move, just as we all are unable to meet the requirements of religion. But then the Lord Jesus came to this man and spoke. The impotent man heard the enlivening word of the living, life-giving Lord, and he was healed. It is the same with us today. When we have Jesus, we have life’s enlivening.

  • Life’s Feeding—the Need of the Hungry
    Life’s Feeding—the Need of the Hungry
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the fifth of these nine cases, the feeding of the five thousand. These five thousand people were seeking nourishment, and the Lord met their need in a rich way. Here we see not only our need and hunger, but also the richness of life’s feeding.

  • The Feeding Christ and the Peace-giving Christ
    The Feeding Christ and the Peace-giving Christ
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    We live in a troubled world. In fact, not one of us is without our troubles, and none of us are truly at peace. But there is a real and precious solution. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the peace-giving Christ in John 6. “The world may trouble everyone, but it cannot trouble Him.” Without Christ, we all are troubled. But with Christ, we have satisfaction and peace.

  • Life’s Quenching—the Need of the Thirsty
    Life’s Quenching—the Need of the Thirsty
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the sixth of these nine cases, the need of the thirsty. The Feast of Tabernacles was a time of satisfaction, but actually those there were still thirsty. Even when we have succeeded in our achievements, enjoyed our possessions, and rejoiced in the best circumstances, we will find that we still have a thirst. Something within us remains unsatisfied. Like the Israelites at the feast, our need is life’s quenching.

  • Life’s Cry to the Thirsty Ones
    Life’s Cry to the Thirsty Ones
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers further the sixth of these nine cases, which illustrates the need of the thirsty. This booklet centers around John 7:37: “Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.” Everything has its last day. Every feast comes to an end, and we will feel thirsty. Then we must come to the Lord Jesus and answer His cry. To have our thirst quenched, we must come to Him and drink of the living water.

  • Life’s Setting Free—the Need of Those under the Bondage of Sin
    Life’s Setting Free—the Need of Those under the Bondage of Sin
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the seventh of these nine cases, a woman caught in the act of adultery. After catching this woman, the religious people asked the Lord Jesus what they should do with her. They were hoping to trap the Lord by forcing Him to choose between the law and His position as the Savior. But the Lord answered in the wisest way, and through this situation He revealed life’s setting free.

  • The Religion of Law versus the Great I Am
    The Religion of Law versus the Great I Am
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the case of the adulterous woman in John 8. This chapter reveals that among human beings there are two things: a religion and a living Person, the great I Am. Through this case, we see that “the religion of the law, as represented by the temple, cannot set people free from sin and its death, but that the Lord Jesus as the I Am, becoming the Son of Man lifted upon the cross for the serpent-poisoned people, can do what religion and law cannot do. The religion of law-keeping is versus the great I Am” (p. 1).

  • Life’s Sight—the Need of the Blind in Religion
    Life’s Sight—the Need of the Blind in Religion
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the eighth of these nine cases, the case of the blind man in John 9. When the Lord Jesus healed this man, He did so in a particular way, unveiling not only the need of the blind but also life’s sight.

  • Life’s Shepherding—the Need of Those outside Religion
    Life’s Shepherding—the Need of Those outside Religion
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on John 10, which is related to the case of the blind man in John 9. In chapter 10 the Lord Jesus spoke of the sheepfold. Many Christians know that we are the Lord’s sheep, but have you considered what the sheepfold is? The key to unlocking the secret of this parable depends very much upon the meaning of the sheepfold.

  • Life’s Resurrecting—the Need of the Dead
    Life’s Resurrecting—the Need of the Dead
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    About This eBooklet

    Every human being has a need related to his or her condition. In his Gospel, John uses nine cases to represent the various conditions and needs of human beings in order to illustrate that Jesus Christ as life fully meets the need of man’s every case. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the last of these nine cases, the case of Lazarus in John 11. Previously, the Lord Jesus healed the sick and dying, but Lazarus was already dead. His need was not healing; it was for life’s resurrecting.

  • The Resurrection and the Life
    The Resurrection and the Life
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    In John 11:25 the Lord Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” and in this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee delves into the truth behind this statement. “By itself, life can only have existence, but resurrection can withstand any kind of attack, even the attack of death” (p. 1). In so many cases in John, the Lord Jesus changed death to life. He came into situations of death in order to be life in the principle of resurrection. And today, He is still doing this. In all our situations, He is ready to come in as resurrection and enliven us.

  • Life’s Issue—the Church
    Life’s Issue—the Church
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    In chapters 3 through 11 of his Gospel, John presents nine cases to illustrate how Christ as life can meet mankind’s every need for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Following these cases, John chapter 12 reveals the issue of Christ being life to man. It is the producing of the church, a house of feasting and the place where the Lord can rest and obtain His satisfaction. In this booklet taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee focuses on the matter of the church as life’s issue.

  • Life’s Multiplication—through Death and Resurrection
    Life’s Multiplication—through Death and Resurrection
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    Chapter 12 of the Gospel of John shows us, in a shadow, that the church has come into existence through the Lord as resurrection life. We have the church by His resurrection life. But how can the Lord increase the church? In this booklet, taken from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the answer to this question, which is shown in the second part of John 12 (vv. 12-36). The first part of John 12 shows how the church is there, and the second part shows how the Lord can increase the church through His death and resurrection.

  • Life’s Washing in Love
    Life’s Washing in Love
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    John 13 is an interesting and meaningful chapter in the Bible. In this chapter John tells the story of the Lord Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, but there is something deeper to see here as well. Foot washing is a matter of showing love to one another and many Christians practice it, but it is also a sign with a spiritual significance. In this booklet, compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the significance of foot washing, the true meaning of life’s washing in love.

  • Life’s Washing to Maintain Fellowship
    Life’s Washing to Maintain Fellowship
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    At the beginning of John chapter 13, we see the Lord washing His disciples’ feet. Then in verse 14 the Lord tells us to wash one another’s feet. We not only need to have our feet washed directly by the Lord Himself, but we also need the mutual foot washing of one another. Sometimes we must keep the Lord’s word literally, but to an even greater degree we must keep His word spiritually. What does it mean to spiritually wash one another’s feet? How does this relate to fellowship? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee explains the significance of John 13—the precious matter of life’s washing to maintain fellowship.

  • Christ Bringing the Believers into the Father
    Christ Bringing the Believers into the Father
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    John 14:1-6 reveals the Lord Jesus going through death and coming in resurrection to bring the believers into the Father. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the significance of these verses and shares with us the good news: “A place before and in God has been prepared for us. As long as we believe in the name of the Lord Jesus, we have a standing before God and in God…Hallelujah!” Because of the work of Christ, God can never reject us or cast us out. Our standing in God is firm.

  • The Triune God Dispensing Himself into the Believers
    The Triune God Dispensing Himself into the Believers
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee expounds John 14:7-20. In these verses, the Lord Jesus tells the disciples more concerning the “coming and going” that He spoke of in verse 3. The disciples were puzzled by the Lord’s words in verse 3, but today we have the revelation to make these words clear. The Lord’s going was through His death, and His coming was in resurrection as the Spirit. This Spirit, the “another Comforter” and Spirit of reality that the Lord spoke of, comes and enters into us to be our life and everything we need.

  • The Dispensing of the Triune God to Produce His Abode
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    Many Christians desire to go to heaven to dwell there with God in eternity, but the Scriptures reveal that God desires to come down to the earth to dwell with the believers in this age. In this eBooklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee opens up the mysterious chapters of John 14 and 15, which unveil the Triune God’s dispensing of Himself into His believers for the producing of the church as the mutual abode of God and man.

  • The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation
    The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee expounds chapter 15 of the Gospel of John. “Most Christians are very familiar with John 15, a wonderful chapter about the Lord as the vine and us as the branches. Apparently, it is easy for us to understand this chapter because we know what a vine is, what branches are, and what is the relationship between a vine and its branches. However, John 15 is possibly the deepest chapter in the New Testament. If we are to properly and adequately understand the deeper meaning of this chapter, we must understand the central thought of God and the intention of the Holy Spirit in writing the Gospel of John.”

  • Abiding in Christ
    Abiding in Christ
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    Throughout John 15 the Lord Jesus speaks of abiding—us in Him and Him in us. But what does it mean to abide in the Lord, to abide in His love, and to let His words abide in us? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee gives a meaningful, precious, and practical answer to these questions.

  • The Branches of the Vine
    The Branches of the Vine
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the believers' status as branches of the vine—their oneness with the other branches, their relationship with the vine, and their function of fruit-bearing.

  • The Work of the Spirit unto the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity
    The Work of the Spirit unto the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity
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    “The crucial point of John 16 is the work of the Spirit. According to this chapter, the work of the Spirit is in three categories: to convict the world; to glorify the Son by revealing Him with the fullness of the Father to the believers; and to disclose what is to come.” In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the Spirit’s convicting work and the result of the Spirit’s work: the mingling of divinity with humanity.

  • Christ Born in Resurrection as a Newborn Child
    Christ Born in Resurrection as a Newborn Child
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents three basic principles in John chapters 14 and 15 and reveals how those same principles are repeated in John 16, which reveals that in resurrection Christ was “born” with His believers to become the church as a newborn child (v. 21).

  • Life’s Prayer—for the Glorification of the Triune God
    Life’s Prayer—for the Glorification of the Triune God
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    In John 17 the Lord Jesus uttered a most profound prayer. It is the completion of the message He gave in John chapters 14, 15, and 16, and it is a prayer that is difficult to understand. On the surface it is a prayer for oneness. But there is something deeper and more profound beneath the surface too. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the deep significance of this prayer—the glorification of the Triune God.

  • Oneness in the Father’s Name
    Oneness in the Father’s Name
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    In John 17:6-24 the Lord Jesus prays for the believers to be built up into one. This oneness is in three stages: in the Father’s name by the eternal life (vv. 6-13); in the Triune God through sanctification by the holy word (vv. 14-21); and in the divine glory for the expression of the Triune God (vv. 22-24). In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the first of these three stages—oneness in the Father’s name.

  • Oneness in the Triune God
    Oneness in the Triune God
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    About This eBooklet

    In John 17:6-24 the Lord Jesus prays for the believers to be built up into one. This oneness is in three stages: in the Father’s name by the eternal life (vv. 6-13); in the Triune God through sanctification by the holy word (vv. 14-21); and in the divine glory for the expression of the Triune God (vv. 22-24). In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the second of these three stages—oneness in the Triune God.

  • Oneness in the Divine Glory
    Oneness in the Divine Glory
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    About This eBooklet

    In John 17:6-24 the Lord Jesus prays for the believers to be built up into one. This oneness is in three stages: in the Father’s name by the eternal life (vv. 6-13); in the Triune God through sanctification by the holy word (vv. 14-21); and in the divine glory for the expression of the Triune God (vv. 22-24). In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the third of these three stages—oneness in the divine glory.

  • Life’s Prayer for Oneness
    Life’s Prayer for Oneness
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    About This eBooklet

    The Lord’s prayer in John 17 concerns the glorification of the Triune God and reveals three stages of oneness. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee uses verses in John 17 and the type of the tabernacle in Exodus 26 to show the connection between glorification and the oneness for which the Lord prayed.

  • The First Portion of Life’s Process for Multiplication—Death
    The First Portion of Life’s Process for Multiplication—Death
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    When giving their records of the Lord’s death, Matthew, Mark, and Luke focus on the line of redemption. But the Gospel of John focuses on the line of life, and in this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the emphasis of John’s record. John’s purpose was to show that the Lord is our life and that He died on the cross for the purpose of releasing Himself to us as life. His death on the cross was not just for our redemption but, much more, for the purpose of imparting His divine life into us.

  • The Redeeming and Life-imparting Death of Christ
    The Redeeming and Life-imparting Death of Christ
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers chapters 18 and 19 of the Gospel of John. In these chapters, “the Holy Spirit reveals the Lord’s willingness to go into death and to deliver Himself to death that He might be sown as a grain of wheat into the earth to die in order that He might rise up to release and impart Himself into us, thus bringing forth much fruit by His death and resurrection.”

  • The Second Portion of Life’s Process for Multiplication—Resurrection
    The Second Portion of Life’s Process for Multiplication—Resurrection
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the Lord Jesus’ resurrection as presented in the Gospel of John. “The record in the Gospel of John regarding the Lord’s resurrection is different from that in the other three Gospels. The record of the Lord’s resurrection in Matthew, Mark, and Luke is nearly the same. John’s record, however, is vastly different. The Gospel of John always has the viewpoint of life. According to John’s Gospel, the Lord has come to be the expression of God to be received by us as life, and He died and resurrected to impart Himself into us as life…John 20 and 21 are written from this point of view.”

  • Loving and Seeking the Resurrected Christ
    Loving and Seeking the Resurrected Christ
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee fellowships concerning those who discovered that the Lord Jesus had been resurrected. John chapter 20 shows us what kind of person can receive not just the historical fact about the resurrection but the vision of resurrection as a reality today. “How can we have the revelation of the Lord’s resurrection? There is such a wonderful and mysterious fact as the Lord’s resurrection accomplished in this universe. But how can we know it? How can it be revealed to us? How can we have this vision? Only by loving the Lord and seeking Him.”

  • The Lord Bringing Forth Many Brothers
    The Lord Bringing Forth Many Brothers
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    In John 20:17, for the first time, the Lord Jesus called His disciples “My brothers.” Previously, He had called them His friends (e.g., John 15:14-15), but never brothers. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the precious, marvelous truth behind this change and how it relates to us today.

  • Christ Coming in Resurrection as the Spirit
    Christ Coming in Resurrection as the Spirit
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    Christians know that the Lord Jesus passed through a process of being examined by the religious leaders, going to the cross, and being resurrected from the dead. But how much do we see concerning Christ after His resurrection? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the Christ who is now life in resurrection. “When He is in resurrection, He is life as the Spirit, for He is the Spirit in resurrection. In this booklet we need to see how this life is now the Spirit in resurrection.”

  • The Lord Meeting with the Believers in Resurrection
    The Lord Meeting with the Believers in Resurrection
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    On the evening of the day of His resurrection, the Lord Jesus met with His disciples for the first time since being resurrected. This was a fulfillment of His promise to them in John 16:22, when He said, “I shall see you again and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.” In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the five blessings that the Lord’s return brought to His disciples: His presence, His peace, His commission, the Holy Spirit, and the authority to represent Him.

  • The Lord Moving and Living with the Believers in Resurrection
    The Lord Moving and Living with the Believers in Resurrection
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    At the end of chapter 20 of the Gospel of John, everything is wonderful and complete. The Lord Jesus has come back as the Spirit to be with the disciples and to be everything to them. It seems that we have touched upon something divine, spiritual, heavenly, eternal, and beyond our conception, and that there is no need for chapter 21. What, then, is the meaning and purpose of this additional chapter? In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee considers the answer to this question.

  • The Lord Working and Walking with the Believers in Resurrection
    The Lord Working and Walking with the Believers in Resurrection
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee fellowships concerning John 21:15-25, which reveals that in resurrection the Lord Jesus is working and walking with the believers. He is working as the Shepherd to build up the church by shepherding His flock, stirring up and restoring His disciples’ love toward Him, charging His disciples to care for His flock, walking with His disciples as His followers, and training His disciples to know His invisible presence.

  • The Three Stages of Spiritual Matters in the Writings of John
    The Three Stages of Spiritual Matters in the Writings of John
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the three stages of spiritual matters in the writings of John. “The Apostle John not only wrote the Gospel of John but also his Epistles and the book of Revelation. His writings are of three important categories. The Gospel of John is for the imparting of life, his Epistles are for the fellowship of life which is for God’s building, and the Revelation is for the consummation of God’s building. Thus, there are three stages of spiritual matters in his writings. The first stage is that of life imparting, the second stage is that of spiritual growth and building, and the last stage is that of maturity and the completion of God’s building.”

  • Bearing Fruit by the Overflow of the Inner Life
    Bearing Fruit by the Overflow of the Inner Life
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    In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee opens up the illustration of the vine in chapter 15 of the Gospel of John. John 15:5 tells us that Christ is the vine, and we are the branches. “The fact that Christ is the vine and we are the branches of this vine clearly indicates that we are part of Christ. What a great matter this is! John 15 is not merely a parable; it is an illustration showing how we are now a part of Christ. We are not simply those who have been redeemed, forgiven, justified, reconciled, and saved. We are actually a part of Christ! If we view the illustration from this angle, we shall realize how profound it is.”

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